Tyrone DuBose

While there are many historians, and good ones, he might add, Tyrone DuBose made up his mind to become an R&B Historian. One that Solely focused on the preservation of the legacy, charts, and history of R&B music. The results of the many years of his research allow people to get a better understanding of the music they're hearing. It allows music lovers to immerse themselves in the hidden details of the music, artist, and charts. There is a story behind every artist. The way in which they grew up, the times that they have spent in perfecting their craft, the importance of them spending every waking minute, hour, and day in a studio to provide a sound of perfection, hoping that the audience will hear what they hear. And as a historian, it allows you to not just give a perspective, but the truth about an artist who is long overdue in their time of being given the accolades for their positions not just in music, but the world.

An R&B Historian speaks to Music Librarians, Journalists, Artists and Authors, and spends hours of time delving into the understanding of why the music in which you heard from the past, from Louis Jordan and Nat King Cole in the 40s, the Platters and Elvis Presley (who was one of the top R&B artists) in the 50s, James Brown and the Temptations in the 60s, the Jackson Five and Marvin Gaye in the 70s, Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder in the 80s, Whitney Houston and R Kelly in the 90s, Beyoncé and Chris Brown in the 2000's, and many others are so important and tell you their time, love, and place in the history of American music.

In his over 40 years of understanding the history of R&B music, DuBose is available for lectures, contributing to the autobiographies of R&B artists, show contributor for television, and many other components of R&B music. Because the one thing that is of importance, before there was music history, there was Black History.